We’ve been working pretty hard these days to try and get our new studio all tidied up, but with summer being one of our busiest seasons (next to Christmas!) it’s been hard finding time that isn’t spent filling orders.
We want to have a studio-warming party and open our doors up to everyone and anyone who wants to visit, but until we’re all tidied up that’ll have to wait. But because I’m more impatient than that, I thought I’d give you all a sneak peek at what’s to come…

This pegboard is a great way to store all our antique hardware that we use for embellishments. It’s a much more productive than our previous ‘throw it all in a box’ method of storing.

The Little Wonder – and aptly named, this is our livesaving rivet press. Before the LW came into our lives, we were hammering our rivets to set them. While we still do hammer a lot of our rivets (LW can’t get into the deep bags), this makes sure all our rivets are perfectly set every time.

Our tools used to be kept in jars, and any other odd containers we could find, and then would be left strewn across the worktop (which was, if you all recall our humble origins, Dave’s kitchen counter). This pegboard is a lifesaver, because now we can find things when we need them! It also means we can no longer accuse gremlins for things that go missing.

And last but not least, this is Madeleine. Our PFAFF workhorse that makes everything possible. She handles super thick nylon thread like a champ and she rarely complains when we give her a piece of leather that seems even too big for her to chew.
So there you have it, a brief encounter with our new studio space. Stay tuned as we tidy the space up enough to have visitors.